I said I would update the "Coming to America" blog entry when I received the naturalization papers of Carl Peterson. I have good news and bad news. The good news: I received the papers yesterday. The bad news: It wasn't quite what I was looking for. The paperwork I received stated the Minnesota Historical Society Library searched the indexes available to them, which included online and print indexes to Todd County naturalizations. They did not find any records for Carl Adolph Peterson. They found records for Carl Alfred Peterson. Wrong Carl. Because I had included information about Carl's wife and sons, they checked for them as well. They found First Papers (Declaration of Intent) and Final Papers (Petition for and Oath of Naturalization) for Carl Peter, Final Papers for Carl Gustaf, and Final Papers for a Minor Alien for Carl Emil. The First Papers for Carl Peter sounds like them belong to our Carl Peter because it does state he was born in Sweden, arrived in New York, and arrived in October of 1879. I wasn't sure of where they arrived but figured it was New York but I knew they arrived around 1880 since my grandfather was born in Minnesota in 1881. So October 1879 is close. The signature does look like the same signature I have seen on other documents. I believe it to be the right Carl Peter. I know somewhere in my research I found Emil being listed as Emil D. Peterson. So seeing the Final Papers for "Carl Emil Daniel Peterson", I have to believe this is the same person. The Papers say he is above 21 and actually Emil was 30 in 1898 so it sounds right. The 1900 Census says he is already naturalized in 1897. So if he wasn't naturalized in Todd County, I'm going to have to look in maybe another county or another court. The hunt continues...

Carl Peter Peterson's First Papers
Carl Peter Peterson's Final Papers
Carl Emil Daniel Peterson's Naturalization Papers
Carl Gustaf Peterson's Second Papers
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